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Saturday, July 24, 2010

New HIV Guidelines

vailable July 21 issue of JAMA (free, please read the full article from there).

Not sure I agree with all recommendations.  This is the curse of 'growing up' in medicine and therefore developing your own opinion.

I think it is too early to consider raltegravir (and maybe even darunavir) as first line therapies in treatment naive patients.  Especially with other options available.  The authors hint at this point but are not explicit enough for the audience of the guideline (in my humble opinion)

Likewise for starting with CD4 greater than 500.  Those patients should be enrolled in properly designed prospective studies (hence the CIII recommendation)

Monday, July 5, 2010

Format revision and Candidemia Line Removal

Since I have left the clinical ID teaching service as a fellow -- hopefully to return as faculty in 2011, I will slightly alter the blog format.  I will highlight interesting cases that I see in my individual practice, and will highlight what I think are interesting/notable articles in the current literature.

This week's post:

Challenging dogma:  Central lines may not need to be removed early in candidemia???

Subgroup analysis of 2 RCTs in treatment of candidemia (mainly echinocandin and lipid ampho B used)
Looked at removal 24-48h vs. later removal vs. retention
842 total, 354 removed early 180 removed late 304 retained

Note that it appears in multivariate analysis that CVC removal was not associated with treatment success or mortality.  But the point estimates are in favor of removal and the CI's are wide.

In the univariate analysis CVC removal within 48h was associated with improved survival.

Why?  Were sicker patients having their lines retained leading to the perception of increased mortality (that was adjusted for in the multivariate analysis). Statistical confounding?

The associated editorial is worth reading.

I also see candidemia reported -- but not other metastatic complications such as endopthamitis, which would be clinically relevant but not noted in surveilance blood cultures.

Bottom line:  An interesting read that challenges dogma, and I think lends itself to further analysis with large enough numbers and robust enough data to exclude a meaningful clinical benefit of earlier removal.

Until then -- please remove my line promptly should I ever have a CVC related candidemia.